Knowledge HQ

Case Studies

Forecasting a Commercially Viable T Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process

In this case study, a company requested help from ScaleReady to build business case for G-Rex®500M-CS bioreactors as the primary cell production platform for their autologous TCR T cell therapy pipeline. ScaleReady modeled operational costs for an autologous TCR T cell therapy company using G-Rex bioreactors. This provided transparency into long-term commercial viability of the ScaleReady platform.
Case Studies

GMP Cytokines Optimization for Closed System T Cell Therapy Manufacturing

In this case study, a company focused on autologous T cell therapies targeting solid tumor cancers was progressing into clinical trials and needed to transition from research-grade to GMP-grade cytokines. Concurrently they wanted to improve their methods of cytokine supplementation to reduce cytokine waste, improve dose accuracy across lots, and reduce process risk by defining methods for closed-system cytokine addition. ScaleReady detailed a plan to help them achieve these goals.

Future of T Cell Manufacturing using G-Rex Closed-system Bioreactors

This video animation demonstrates a vision toward the industrialization and automation of T cell therapy manufacturing using G-Rex Bioreactors.

Video was created by Wilson Wolf Manufacturing Corporation.
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G-Rex Closed-system Bioreactors

In this brochure you will learn how G-Rex bioreactors solve the limitations of flask and bag-based cell therapy manufacturing. In this brochure:
  • G-Rex Bioreactor mechanism of action
  • Benefits for cell therapy manufacturing
  • GatheRex Cell Harvest Pump
  • User testimonials

G-Rex – Revolutionizing Cell Therapy Manufacturing

In this video you will learn how G-Rex bioreactors solve the limitations of flask and bag-based cell therapy manufacturing. By providing cells with uninterrupted access to oxygen and nutrients, the G-Rex cell culture device is the only accessible cell expansion technology that linearly scales to meet the demands of cell therapy manufacturers.
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On Demand Symposium: Defining Intelligent Scale-up and Scale-out

In this recorded symposium, cell therapy manufacturing leaders speak about defining and planning for intelligent commercial scale up and scale out. Recorded at ISCT 2021.
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CUE, Literature

Cell Processing Systems Comparison Flyer

Compare Lovo and Cue system specifications and applications.

TcBuster Non-viral Genetic Engineering Flyer

TcBuster non-viral gene editing solves the bottlenecks facing viral vector-based editing, including supply chain, manufacturing time, and integration safety. In this flyer:
  • How TcBuster works
  • Comparison to viral tranduction
  • Data on transposition efficiency and scalability
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ExCellerate Media for Immune Cells

This flyer provides details and data for our T cell and NK cell versions of ExCellerate media.
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CUE, Literature

Cue Cell Processing System Brochure

Cue Cell Processing System is the definitive instrument for small volume cell processing for cell therapy. In this brochure:
  • Instrument Features
  • Applications supported
  • Customizable protocol design
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ScaleReady Portfolio Overview

We’ve anticipated where cell therapy manufacturing needs to be and we’re the only solution for cost-effective and practical cell therapy scale-up. In this brochure:
  • Portfolio introduction
  • G-Rex Bioreactors and raw materials
  • Cell processing instruments
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Evolution of Tumor-specific T Cell Production

This video features Juan Vera, Chief Development Officer at Marker Therapeutics, discussing how Marker used G-Rex Bioreactors and the Lovo Cell Processing System to evolve and simplify manufacturing of its multiple tumor-associated antigen (MultiTAA) T cell therapy in anticipation of commercialization.

This ScaleReady-sponsored seminar originally aired at the CAR-TCR Virtual 2021 Conference (Hanson Wade) on September 1st, 2021.
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